Friday, July 10, 2015

My arm wanted to go for a car ride...

At first I was not going to post about this but then that defeats the purpose of the updates, this blog and getting awareness for dialysis and transplant out into the world.... so.......

Last night was our first dialysis caused trip to the ER...BEFORE YOU ALL PANIC, I AM FINE!!!

There are 2 holes in my arm, one for the blood to go to the machine and be cleaned and one for the blood to go from the machine back to me.  The bottom hole is the one that goes to the machine to be cleaned.  When "mine" pulled the needle out, everything was fine and then it wouldn't stop bleeding.  Not like spraying around the room but the second we took pressure off it, it would bleed! This went on for TWO hours.  It was midnight-thirty (LOL), we were out of options so we went to the ER.

They took us into the ER registration room where I was IMMEDIATELY given a baseball sized gauze wad and then it was wrapped TIGHTLY with an bandage.  Then I sat there for about an hour.  After the nurses removed the pressure dressing I had to sit for another hour to make sure it was done bleeding.  Then they sent us home.  It was THREE IN THE MORNING when we got home!


Like I said, I am fine.  It was really no big deal.  Today i went to the dialysis center for a mini-treatment so my nurses could make sure everything was ok.  And it was.  I have been switched from regular sharp needles to the dull, blunt needles in hopes that it was just the sharp needle scraping on the the inside of my arm.  Sounds great, Right?!?

I'm not really sure why I wasn't going to post this  Probably because i really am fine and didn't want to worry anyone.  However, this is my life now and I enjoy sharing it with all of you!  I know that am i am not alone in the crazy adventure and thought you would all enjoy the image of spurting blood and needles scraping!

Tomorrow is Adventure Saturday!  Those are always fun!  Stay tuned, you never know what kind of trouble we can get into!  :)

Much love and Kidney Wishes,

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