Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Its be a fun filled few months.  I had a kidney rejection, spent a few weeks getting treatment for that, had a picc line inserted and now thankfully things seem to be looking up.

We got married!!  It was perfect.  It rained, there was a rainbow, people cried with joy, it was everything we hoped it would be and so much more.

Our honeymoon in Orlando was amazing!  The weather was perfect.  Mine got a cold while we were there and then i caught it.  He did an exotic driving experience at the Disney Speedway, it was so cool too see him that excited.  My big day was EPCOT! I ate my way around the world at the food and wine festival! YUM!

And as i type this there is a tiny 10 week old kitten trying to help my type.  The newest member of our family, Addie.  She;s tine and gray and is the smallest little love bug!

Like i said its been a busy few months, with any luck things will slow down a bit and i can catch up on life!

Oh and I became an Aunt!!  My brand new sister in law had a baby girl, Paisley!

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